Monday, October 27, 2008

Camp in Lampang

When I got back to Thailand at the end of September I got on a bus two days later and went to the camp for our church in Lampang! It was a great camp and lots of fun! There were 60 kids that went and all the leadership was kids! It was awesome! They did an amazing job organizing the camp and making sure everyone felt included! It was awesome! Here is a picture of the entire camp! This is a where's waldo...can you find me?

This picture is of the last night we were there. Each one of us at the camp had a candle and we lit the candles and placed them on the ground in the cross form! It was beautiful when each of us was finished! I loved it! And the kids did too! It was a great camp! There are more pics in the link at the right!
We also played in the waterfall near the place we stayed! In Thailand they play in the water with all their clothes on! It is quite funny at first but now for me it is normal! The things we adapt to are funny! There were natural hot springs there too! It was great to see those and to touch the water! It was literally boiling! I have never seen anything like it before! Some people were boiling eggs in the water but it smelled like sulfur to me. And I hate that smell so I couldn't stay around there too long! Overall it was an amazing camp! I am so glad that I had to opportunity to go!