Here are some photos of the most famous holiday in Thailand. It is the Thai New Year. It is a celebration that takes place every year on April 13-15 and it is all about water!! The tradition is to "sprinkle" water on people to bless them. In the past the younger generation pours water into the hands of the older generation to bless them. Since then it has turned into a three - five day water fight! Oh my goodness is it crazy! I was wet for 2 days straight. Walking down the street everyone is carry water guns and is spraying everyone. People drive around in the back of their trucks with trash cans filled with water and buckets to pour on the people on the sidewalk. I tried to capture the excitement on camera but because of the nature of the holiday I was afraid to take my camera outside! I took a few photos and you can check them out but you should look the holiday up online to see some professional photos! It was so much fun!!
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