Cleaning in Ubon
This woman lives in the room that we cleaned. We sang at her house for Christmas Caroling and when we left we said, we need to come over here and help her clean it. She had a stroke a few years ago and cannot move her left side very well. She can do things like sweep and do the dished but moving furniture and carrying things, she cannot do. So we went over to her house and helped her clean. It took 3 hours and the room is not very big!
This is the room before we cleaned it. There were piles of dirt, clothes everywhere, old food, and soot from the "bbq". The most surprising thing was the 10 mice that lived behind her closet and the gecko the size of a small alligator. It was CRAZY! And of course I screamed like crazy! Every time one of the mice came out I screamed and jumped on the bed! It was quite exciting! But crazy to think that she lived in there with them.
I am so glad that we got to help her. The house is more peaceful and more useful and cleaner for sure!! She loves it and was very thankful to us. While we cleaned she washed the dishes outside! She has a great smile and I am glad that we got to show her God's love!
In Ubon I get to live in a village among people who grow their own vegetables, who catch fish for dinner, and who can live on about $30 a month. It is amazing and I am feeling like a real missionary now! This is a place that needs the love of God!
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