Sunday, March 16, 2008


On our last day in Ongole we got to pray for some lepers. I had no idea that this disease still existed. It was so awesome to see them worshiping God even though they have this disease! My world was rocked by these people! They live separate from their families and they are part of the "untouchables" and we got to touch them! This is my kind of business, getting to touch the untouchable and love the unloved!

Praying for them was awesome because you could see their faith! Here faith is something that can be seen! It was amazing!

This little girl's father has lepracy. She is so adorable! We took lots of pics of her friends and of her of course because she loved seeing herself on the camera! It was super cute, as is she!

We worshiped together, some of our team members shared their testimonies, we prayed for them and then we handed out rice. One bag each! These people have missing fingers and limbs and they could still carry the bag of rice that I could barely lift. It was amazing to watch them carry it! I saw Jesus here in this place and I know that I will return to India again soon!