Ministry Time
Praying for people was one of my favorite things to do! I know how much God encourages me when others pray for me so it was good to give that to many people in India!
Linda is an amazing person! She is patient and she is the glue that held our team together! She is passionate about the Lord and she is a great encourager! She is from Michigan and I am so glad that she was on this trip! When we prayed together for people I felt her faith and it helped me pray with more faith!
Scott was another one who I really connected with this trip! He is an amazing man of God! He is open and honest about what God has done in his life. He stepped out in faith during this trip and God used him in mighty ways! He was a blessing to each of us on the team!
Constance was an awesome addition to our team! She hears from the Lord! When she prays she prays with compassion and God uses her to encourage those around her with words of knowledge. One night she was sick and stayed home and when we were praying for the pastor and his wife I missed her. She knows how to encourage the pastor's wife, and all of the team members, through prayer!
Each member of the team brought an amazing gift to complete the team! We had great unity of Spirit! GOd used our unity to change many lives while we were in India! Praise the Lord!
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