Monday, January 05, 2009

Christmas all over Thailand

Merry Christmas Thailand! I love to travel and Tai Church knows that I love Lampang and Ubon! When we were talking about the Christmas committees for these churches I asked if I could go. This meant that Sean and I would be going together! So fun!

Our first Christmas was in Lampang. All the Christmas activities were planned and run by the youth of the church. It was so great to be apart and help where we could. We took a train up on Friday night and then took a train back to Bangkok on Sunday night! It was so much fun!
Sean and I had been to Lampang the month before so the kids were familiar with him and just loved him! He played basketball with the boys and had fun with them! This picture is of us caroling the night before the Christmas party! We went through the market and sang Christmas Carols in Thai! It was so much fun!

Then on Tuesday night we took a bus to Ubon for Christmas celebrations there! We had two celebrations. One was at the university in Ubon and we set up and had games and a show and then Pastor Kajohn shared about the true meaning of Christmas. It was great! 4 people accepted the Lord and many were interested in knowing more!

The next night we had Christmas at the church in Ubon, which is actually Ket's house! We had 60+ people there and it was awesome! We had games for the kids, shows for the adults and Pastor Kajohn shared again! It was a good time!
We got on a bus going home on Thursday night. It was fast but fun!

Our final and last Tai Church celebration was at Tai Church Bangkok. We had it on December 21st. It was so much fun! Great opportunity to share the gospel. Sean and I helped with the kids and we had so much fun! At one point, I was Mary and I talked with the kids about why we give gifts at Christmas. I got to share with them that Jesus is the greatest gift ever given and that we need to give gifts to Jesus too! It was fun to share and celebrate with kids because they are so excited and so happy about Christmas! This picture is of my friends after the celebration while we were eating! They are so much fun!!

Christmas was great and we had a fun time but we were very tired when we got home and the truth was that our travels had only just begun...