Saturday, December 16, 2006


Caroling is one of my favorite things to do each year with my Grandma! The family gets together and goes around her neighborhood and sings. It is a great time! We eat dinner at Grams' house and enjoy the holiday season. I will miss out on that this year but my Thai family came to my house and sang Christmas Carols! It was so great to have them in my house celebrating one of the greatest days of the year! We sang carols, they sang in Thai and I sang in English, and then we ate cookies! It was so much fun! I love my Thai family very much!

My students!

This course my students were great! I really had a lot of fun with them! They made me laugh a lot and I think I made them laugh too! A few of my students love basketball as much as I do! I got to play with a Sai a couple of times and with Noi and Luck one time! It was fantastic!! One of my students, his name is Moo, cut my hair after class one night! He is a hair dresser part time. It only cost $4 US dollars! WOW!!! It was fun to have him cut it! I am getting to know my students well, building relationships with them, and sharing the love of Jesus with them! It is a great combination!
Here are the pictures of three of my classes this course! Check out the photo site for more detailed photos!

Festival for the King

On December 5th the King of Thailand turned 80 years old. This day everyone wore yellow in honor of him. I went to a festival and it was a sea of yellow shirts! Oh so fun! Good luck trying to find anyone!