Monday, January 14, 2008

My 30th Birthday!

Happy 30th Birthday! This is the way to do it! Travel to a beautiful place, go with friends, meet new friends, and lay out on the beach!! This is the way to do it! We went to the beach in the morning for a few hours, had lunch, got massages, and then went out for dinner and fun!

We ate dinner on the street near our hotel and went to a few different restaurants! We met some friends and had a great time with them!

This was the sunset on my birthday it was beautiful! Every night it was so beautiful! My birthday was great! And I am happy to be 30, as crazy as it sounds!


Last year I celebrated in Phuket with my friend Marci! This year I decided to celebrate with my other friend Marci and go to Bali! It was the best way to turn 30!!! Here are a few pictures but you have to check out the other pics! I tried to take pics to give you a feel for the island! I took over 200 pictures but I only uploaded 80 of them! I hope that you enjoy! In Bali almost everyone speaks English which makes it super easy to get around!

This was an amazing temple on the beach! It was fantastic! The sunsets change for about an hour and they get more and more radiant!! We took a taxi there and the he became our taxi driver all week! He was great! His name is Made and his English was good and he told us many stories on our trip around the island!

Welcome to Bali! This was the sunset the first night! We walked out of our hotel onto our beach and this is the welcome we got! I have never seen sunsets like this ever before! They get prettier as the sun gets lower and lower!

We took a tour of the island and we visited many beautiful places! This is one of the temples that we visited on our tour around the island! Then we went up to a volcano and saw beautiful views of Bali! Check out the other photos!

This beach was amazingly beautiful! It was the most beautiful beach I have ever seen! The colors were amazing! The pictures can hardly show the beauty! You all need to visit Bali! The beach in front of our hotel was just like a normal beach so we wanted to go and see a beautiful beach!! The name of this beach is Dreamland and it was fantastic! If you go to Bali, you have to go to this beach!

These are some friends that we met at an amazing restaurant! The restaurants name is Ku De Ta and the food and drinks are fantastic!!! We hung out with these friends and they were so much fun! Maybe we will have to meet up again in Bali!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Years in Ubon

In Ubon I am in charge of the children's ministry. They are so cute! These ones had the day off from school and so they came over to Ket's house to decorate the children's room! Ket calls these kids my fan club! One of the really asked for my signature. It was so funny!! They are so cute!

For New Years Eve we had BBQ at the house. It was a great dinner! Thai BBQ is a little different. If you want to see pics of the BBQ, check out the photo link on the side! It was so much fun but it was so cold outside! We all had to wear jackets and after dinner we laid under blankets and looked up at the stars! It is so beautiful in Ubon!

After BBQ we went to the fair in downtown! It was fun! They all ate bugs! Seriously I wanted to try some but I couldn't do it! I would never survive on Survivor! I would totally be voted off! Grasshoppers, crickets, worms, and ants are considered celebration food! AHHHH!!! Crazy!

This is Ket's family! There are 2 boys and 2 girls, a sister-in-law, a nephew (he is sleeping) and a mom! They are a great family and I am so glad to be apart of their family! We had a great time together! I am learning to eat fish and things that I do not even know what they are...but bugs are out for now!

Happy New Year!!